There are so many needs all around us.
There are people who are lost, scared and hurting. They are struggling through financial difficulties. They have children who are hurting and possibly rebelling. They are struggling in their marriage, and they are considering divorce. They are alone, confused and need hope. The most difficult part is that they don’t want anyone to know. They don’t know what it is like to walk through this life with people who care. They have never experienced the love of Jesus, and they have no idea what they’re missing — which is EVERYTHING.
God has given The Sanctuary the mission of helping everyday people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. As we do that, we see something happening, and that has become our vision.
We Believe . . .
God is calling us to expand both our mission and vision by helping even more people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ and build their homes of faith.
That is why we are launching ARISE.
It is time for all of us to join together, stand up and take a step unlike any other we have taken so far in our history as a church. ARISE is a two-year effort to make an impact in us, in our community and in our world as we Step Up, Step Out and Step Beyond. We have been praying for several years for God’s direction for the next step for our church. We believe the time is now. It’s time to ARISE!
To find out more, visit our ARISE web site.