What is the Missions ministry?
The Bible calls us to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)
At The Sanctuary, we have been committed to doing that since the beginning of our church. We support overseas missionaries both prayerfully and financially and support organizations in our local community. Our Missions team hopes to see people develop an active passion for reaching the hopeless and forgotten with God’s redeeming love.
What we do
We want to see the people of our church develop an active passion for people that do not yet know the love of Jesus and to reach across cultural boundaries to demonstrate that love to all people. Our goal is to build long-term missions partnerships that last years, span decades and even encompass entire careers.
Missions Team funding and long term support assists people and ministries locally, nationally and globally. Local organizations we support include the Bolingbrook Christian Health Center and the Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center.
Get involved
Because we serve our partners faithfully through prayer, personal encouragement, and financial giving, there are many ways our church body can get involved. We encourage members of the church to serve together as families in short-term missions’ projects. Participants have ranged in age from toddlers to those in their “golden years”.
Check out Our Projects for more information.
Contact Randy and Linda Smith for more information about our missions team.