Good Works
Good Works, Inc. is a Community of Hope for those struggling with poverty in rural Appalachia. They provide biblical hospitality through The Timothy House (a shelter for the rural homeless), The Hannah House (a long-term residential care community), job experience programs, creative volunteer service opportunities and community development ministries, all in the context of Christian community.
For more than 32 years, Good Works has been challenging the stereotypes associated with the poor by creating opportunities for people to form friendships with those who struggle with poverty. Each year, God has used Work Retreats and the Summer Service Program to bring together people from different places, life situations and economic backgrounds. They refer to these groups who come to Good Works as “Worship Teams,” because they are offering themselves in obedience to God as they serve those people who are very important to Him: the widow, the stranger and the fatherless. They are choosing to obey God’s command to love Him and to love our neighbors.
The Sanctuary has been sending individuals and whole families as Worship Teams to Good Works for 8 years.
Oasis for Orphans
Oasis for Orphans is an organization that seeks to rescue and develop orphaned children in Kenya. The Sanctuary began our partnership with Oasis in 2011. We have been funding a Saturday feeding and spiritual education program in the bush in rural Kenya (called the Bush program on their website). This program helps the Maasai community care for orphaned children.
Bolingbrook Christian Health Center
Bolingbrook Christian Health Center is located in the southeast part of Bolingbrook. It provides health care to uninsured or under-insured families in our area. The Sanctuary is a monthly financial supporter of the health center because this is one way that we are showing Christ’s love to our own community. Several people from The Sanctuary volunteer there on a weekly basis.
Compassion International
With a heart for missions, KidsTown sponsored Bruno, a boy from Brazil, for roughly nine years. After his completion in the Compassion program, our KREW (4th and 5th grade students) children became supporters of Arthur.
Arthur Costa Silva lives in Brazil. He lives with his mother and sister in his uncle’s house. He is responsible for running errands for his family. His mother is employed as a cleaning lady. His favorite activities are drawing and playing with cars.
Please join us in prayer for Arthur, and encourage your children to pray for him, as well.
Our missionaries
The Sanctuary supports a number of missionaries in the United States and other parts of the world. Click here to find out more about the missionaries we support.