We are excited to announce that Ben Kafer will be joining The Sanctuary Church staff as worship arts director.
“I am passionate about encouraging others through art to seek and praise a God who loves them,” Ben said. “I love to see people worshipping Jesus.”

Please be praying for Ben as he gets settled in Romeoville and prepares to step into this new role on Aug. 1. In addition to working part-time at The Sanctuary, he will be finishing his last semester at Judson this fall to complete his bachelor’s degree in worship arts.
“I’m excited to lead all who come into The Sanctuary to a deeper sense of longing and expectation to meet with Jesus and toward a greater understanding of worship through various expressions of art,” he said.
He was born and raised in Bloomington-Normal, which is home to his mom and step dad, dad and step mom, and younger brother, William.
Please give Ben a warm welcome as you begin seeing him the next few weeks and he transitions into his new role as worship arts director at The Sanctuary!