

The entire church is invited Friday evening to a Vision Night as we kick off our junior high and high school youth groups for the ministry year! John Jou and Carl Fisher, the leaders of our youth ministry, will be casting the vision for the year, and we will be praying for students as we get ready to begin an exciting year of Thrive (junior high) and Crossfire (high school)! John and Carl will be explaining the Biblical focus for the year, the calendar and opportunities for students to get involved in leadership. Whether you are a parent, student or someone who wants to pray for our youth, please plan to attend at 6:30 p.m.!

Thrive students should plan to stay for a fun evening of games and hang-out time right afterward from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. High School students also will be getting together at 7:30 Friday for The Commitment Conference (TC2). Both Thrive and Crossfire will be meeting at the church.

Thrive and Crossfire will kick-off their regular Monday meetings at 7 p.m. Aug. 24.



TC2 is a great opportunity for high school students to be challenged by God, spend quality time with each other, and have a TON of fun THIS Friday and Saturday!
The conference begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Carl Fisher will lead two sessions challenging students to commit themselves mind, body, and soul to Christ. The evening will include worship, games, food, and fun! Students then have the option to go to host homes to spend more time together at sleep-overs. Jeff and Julie Holtz will host the boys and Ronn and Michele Smith will host the girls.

On Saturday, students will caravan to the Warren Dunes in Michigan for a fun day hanging out in the sand and sun. Carl will lead a shorter session over lunch to end the teaching portion of the conference.

Students can attend the entire weekend or come only for the activities that fit in with their schedule. The only cost is for students to bring enough money to pay for dinner at a fast food restaurant on the way home from the dunes Saturday. Please RSVP to Carl and Liz Fisher if you plan to attend: .

Don’t miss our Tools 4 Schools packing night at 7 p.m. Tuesday! We’ll have a DJ, contests, prizes and ice cream as we load backpacks with school supplies to help folks in the community below the poverty level. This is a great way for friends and neighbors to get involved in local community service as we start the school year thinking outside ourselves. Visit vvsd.org for a list of school supplies.
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