40 Days: Day 40

Read John 14:1-14
John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
Jesus is with his disciples. He wants to encourage them. He wants them to know more about who He is. He wants them to know that He is the only way to the Father. He wants them to know that He is preparing a place for them. He wants them to know that He loves them. He wants them to know that they are going to be able to do great things, even greater things, because he is going to the Father.
It is hard for me to grasp hold of that. It is hard for me to think that the disciples were going to be able to do similar things as Jesus did. It is hard for me to think that we have access to that power today. Through Jesus Christ we are able to accomplish more than we could imagine. Will we believe? Will we trust that God will work through us? Will we believe that God can still do the miraculous today?
Pray that we will be a church of great faith. Pray that we will be willing to leave safety for adventure, isolation for community, complacency for commitment, and comfort for compassion. Pray that we will love one another and reach others in the name of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory.