9:30 & 11 a.m. Sundays

One of the best ways to improve any group is to evaluate it! You have the opportunity to assess both the strengths and the weaknesses of your group. The questions below will help you think through different aspects of your group life. Please answer thoroughly and honestly.

Your Name (required)


Your Email (required)


Please choose your small group leader:


The Group
One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about being in the group this quarter is:



Are you happy with the amount of time we spend each week in:



Social or Hang out time

Is the length of the meeting appropriate?

Please explain.


How have the group discussion gone? Is everyone who wants to share able to share? Are there any people or issues that hinder the discussion? Please explain:


Do you have any suggestions for improving the meetings?


My Plans
For the next small group session, I’m planning to:


What do you like most about the homework?


What do you like the least?


If you could change just one thing about the homework, what would it be and why?
The amount of homework is...


Please explain.


My Leader
One of the things I appreciate most about my small group leader is:


If your leader asked for advice on whether he or she should talk more, less, or exactly the same during your meetings, what would you say?


Is there anything your leader could do to make your meetings even better?


My Host
One of the things I appreciate most about our host is:


Is there anything your host could do to make your meetings better? (Seating arrangements, lighting, temperature, refreshments, socials, etc.)


Which option is your group doing:


Have you found your childcare option to help or hinder your participation in the group?


If there are children in your group are the guidelines being followed? Please explain:


What is one thing that you would change about your childcare situation?
