“You’re It” 40-day journey begins Monday!

It was great to be together this morning for an incredible time of worship and a powerful message. If you weren’t able to attend our worship service, we wanted to remind you that we kick off our 40-day Bible reading plan on Monday. This is a great way to leave complacency for commitment and get into the Word with your family during the weeks leading up to Easter.
There are two ways to take part in the 40-day journey. Stop by the church and pick up a copy of the “You’re It” journal. The journal will give you the daily reading and prompts to write down what God is teaching you. Each Wednesday is an Inductive Study, which will take you deeper into a passage from 2 Timothy. The journal includes instructions on how to do the Inductive Study. It is our hope that at the end of the 40 days, we will all be able to look back and see what God has been teaching us!
You also can get the same content on the “You’re It” web site, at youreit.org. You can subscribe to the daily reading plan by entering your e-mail address on the web site. You will then receive the text via e-mail each day, making it simple to keep up on your phone or mobile device.
As we enter into the 40 days of Lent, we will be worshipping together at 7 p.m. Wednesday for Ash Wednesday. We will have childcare for birth to preschool. We look forward to seeing you then!