What Good Is God?
God is Here
Small Group Questions
April 17, 2011
When you were growing up was there someone that when they were around you felt safe and secure. What was it about this person that made you feel that way?
Share a time when you were caught doing something that you should NOT have been doing. Share a time when you were caught doing something good.
Read Matthew 28:16-17
In verse 17 it says that they worshipped, but some doubted. What do you think they doubted? Why would they doubt?
When do people doubt God? What are the circumstances that usually surround doubt?
Do you ever doubt God’s existence, or plan, or his love for you? What do you doubt about God? What was the situation and why?
How do you get through times of doubt?
Read Matthew 28:18-20a
Define what the disciples are supposed to do.
- Go
- Make Disciples
- Baptizing them
- Teaching them to obey
Do you think the disciples were intimidated by this list? Do you think they knew what Jesus was talking about?
We are all called to the same mission. Do you think most Christians live this out? Why or Why not?
What are the barriers that we face in living out this great mission?
Read Matthew 28:20
I would bet that the disciples were pretty encouraged when they heard Jesus say this. Does this encourage you?
How do you remind yourself that God is with you all the time?
When do you forget that God is with you?
God sees everything that we do. He sees us at our best and at our worst. Does that truth make a difference in your life?
Taking it Home:
Make a list of people that you could disciple and a list of someone that could disciple you. What is stopping you from going to them and making discipleship happen?