WORSHIP TIME: Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 - (630) 759-7575

The Sanctuary » Uncategorized » Starting Sunday… EXpliSit

Starting Sunday… EXpliSit

You’ve probably unscrambled those capital letters by now in the title of our next sermon series: “EXpliSit.”

That’s right. For the next few weeks, our pastors will be taking a look at what the Bible says about sex. The messages will be straightforward. And whether you are a teen, single or married, they will touch on topics that everyone has struggled with at some point in his or her life.

Pastor Ben will kick things off on Sunday with “Satan’s Lies to Teens.” On May 15, Pastor Ronn will speak on “Satan’s Lies to Singles,” and May 22, the message is “Satan’s Lies to Couples.” And moms, we will have a special Mother’s Day message on May 8 that will look at “Satan’s Lies to Moms.” (This message is on general lies, not necessarily sex.)

But please don’t skip a message based on your marital status. During all of these sermons, we will open up God’s Word and take an honest look at what God says about some tough topics.

Before the series begins, we would like to hear from you. What do you think of this sermon series?

Will you take a minute and fill out this quick questionnaire? You don’t have to include your name or e-mail address, so your answers are totally confidential.

Oh… And don’t forget that the messages will not be watered down for younger kids who might happen to attend a service with you. We have a great place in KidsTown for our kids who are birth to grade 5. Those in Junior High and High School are welcome to serve in KidsTown on either May 15 or May 22, if that is the preference of their parents.

EXpliSit survey:


Do you think the church should be preaching about sex?

Why or why not?

Would you invite a friend to a sermon series about sex?


Why or why not?


The sermon series also will include a message about Satan's lies to moms. What do you think are the main lies women tend to believe? (Hold down the "command" key to select more than one option.)




Are you:


How old are you:



  1. bobbie reimer says:

    hi emily hope this helps

  2. Alan says:

    I am really looking forward to this message!

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